Who the heck are these people?
Who are these 64 alleged "Citizen’s Task Force" stakeholders? Unfortunately, it's another long story told over two parts.
List of "possible" Citizen’s Task Force committee members received under FOIA Request: 20180807-002 through FOIA Request: 20180807-007.
These intrepid few met four (4) times, according to the Districts website. We are told they took building tours. We suspect the tours alone took a lot of their limited time.
The website also tells us that committee members reviewed the recently created $150,000 Wight Facilities Master Plan or FMP.
The Wight FMP is a 405 page tome!
I can tell you without fear of contradiction, there's no way in hell the committee of 40 laymen and women, meeting within a highly structured and limited timeframe, over no more than only four nights at different school locations, are going to intelligently walk through that 405 page detail study, let alone, understand the complexity and implications of the tasks being presented .
This ad hoc, ragtag group of amateurs, lacked the facilities management skill set and experience, to properly synthesize the data.
Even though we knew what we were looking at, and even though we had a good idea how to analyze that monster, it took all of 40+ hours unpack and parse it for analysis.
Lisa Ahmed
Andrea Bateman
Vicky Benziger
Pearlie Best
Yvette Borrego
Bree Jordan Burkett
Ron Burton
Manuel R. Bustos, Jr.
Pam Carmona
Lou Centrella
Kathleen Christopher
Erin Doerr
Stephanie Duckman
Carla Flores
Kelly Foersterling
Dean Giavaras
Walter Gluzkin
Mandy Griffin
Barb Grooms
Marianne Gudmundsson
Maureen Hartwig
Iris Hernandez
Amy Hoffman
John Jekot
Marty Joyce
Jerry Kallio
Namon Kent
Larry Kolar
Dean Krone
David Lawrence
Paul Leongas
Wendy Locascio
Mary Maestranzi
Jean Marella
Amy Markos
Kristy Mattson
Ryan McKenzie
Loula Merkel
Lara Miller
Elena Miteva
John Moran
Beth Morley
Midge Mountin
Denise Parcell
Eleni Patel
Dean Patras
Frank Ponticelli
Jamie Purcell
Sriram Ramakrishnan
Emma Rentas
Dan Schacke
Pat Schreiber
Amy Seely
Tim Spiegel
Jeffrey S. Spero
Sean Story
Jan Vander Carr
Joe Weber
Stacey Wesselkamper
Kent Wehman
Scott Williams
Kate Zarish
Krystal Zec
Sue Zimmerman
We are told by D207 leaders that 40+/- of the people displayed on the list above are the very folks who stood shoulder-to-shoulder with Dr. Wallace and recommended to our wise and dependable elected officials that they should "...place a $195,000,000 bond issue for the November 6, 2018 election."
These intrepid few met four (4) times, according to the Districts website. We are told they took building tours. We suspect the tours alone took a lot of their limited time.
The website also tells us that committee members reviewed the recently created $150,000 Wight Facilities Master Plan or FMP.
I can tell you without fear of contradiction, there's no way in hell the committee of 40 laymen and women, meeting within a highly structured and limited timeframe, over no more than only four nights at different school locations, are going to intelligently walk through that 405 page detail study, let alone, understand the complexity and implications of the tasks being presented .
This ad hoc, ragtag group of amateurs, lacked the facilities management skill set and experience, to properly synthesize the data.
Even though we knew what we were looking at, and even though we had a good idea how to analyze that monster, it took all of 40+ hours unpack and parse it for analysis.
District leaders, including current Board President, Carla Owen and her subordinate, Superintendent Dr. Wallace, surely have quite a sense of humor to so blatantly foist that absurd story on the voters.
Unfortunately for them, we're not laughing!
At the same meetings, we are told some of those 40+/- reviewed "survey results from students, staff and community members." Of course they did. I for one believe they all completely understood everything. Not!
The website went on further to declare, they "were asked to make a recommendation to Superintendent Dr. Kenneth Wallace about whether or not to pursue a referendum and if so, the composition of the final measure. "
What question were these souls asked to vote on? How was the question structured. Of course, we have no idea who voted or how the vote went. Did anyone vote "NO"?
As far as the "composition" of the Referendum, how did these scapegoats, unfamiliar with all the details and background, compose anything? These guys were duped into believing their inclusion into the process, was going to be meaningful and make a difference. The decision to go for the gold was made years before.
The "Citizens Task Force" concept is a ruse! It's meant to give the public a feeling of inclusion. Nothing more. Nothing less. The same methodology has been in use by other School Districts in Illinois since the early 2000's. I know, I was a member of one prior to EMSD63 last referendum. Glance around the web.
We are told next "This team included more than 40 residents from Des Plaines, Park Ridge, Niles, Glenview and Morton Grove." District 207's website never mentions the Unincorporated Cook County Taxpayers living north of Dempster. I guess they weren't invited to join this august group. I wonder why?
Finally, we are told that those listed among the chosen. "included retirees, civic leaders and District graduates, in addition to current parents and parents of graduates".
I know a couple local politicians included on the list. There are also a couple D207 teachers. That teacher category not being mentioned as part of the chosen, clearly was just a type-o.
So do you have questions? I know we certainly have questions.
What question were these souls asked to vote on? How was the question structured. Of course, we have no idea who voted or how the vote went. Did anyone vote "NO"?
As far as the "composition" of the Referendum, how did these scapegoats, unfamiliar with all the details and background, compose anything? These guys were duped into believing their inclusion into the process, was going to be meaningful and make a difference. The decision to go for the gold was made years before.
The "Citizens Task Force" concept is a ruse! It's meant to give the public a feeling of inclusion. Nothing more. Nothing less. The same methodology has been in use by other School Districts in Illinois since the early 2000's. I know, I was a member of one prior to EMSD63 last referendum. Glance around the web.
We are told next "This team included more than 40 residents from Des Plaines, Park Ridge, Niles, Glenview and Morton Grove." District 207's website never mentions the Unincorporated Cook County Taxpayers living north of Dempster. I guess they weren't invited to join this august group. I wonder why?
Finally, we are told that those listed among the chosen. "included retirees, civic leaders and District graduates, in addition to current parents and parents of graduates".
I know a couple local politicians included on the list. There are also a couple D207 teachers. That teacher category not being mentioned as part of the chosen, clearly was just a type-o.
So do you have questions? I know we certainly have questions.
For the last month or so, we've been trying to get answers under FOIA rules to some of these questions. To date, we've been stonewalled by D207 leaders.
Of all the questions we've posed to D207 under FOIA, the repeatedly unanswered questions of the Citizen Task Force membership and meeting attendance data, beyond that raw list of names displayed at the top of this post, makes one wonder what D207 is hiding. At this point this Taxpayers wondering what those tens-of-thousands of Board sanctioned PR dollars really bought us.
More on this ongoing story in Blank Pictures On a Milk Carton - Part Two.
Of all the questions we've posed to D207 under FOIA, the repeatedly unanswered questions of the Citizen Task Force membership and meeting attendance data, beyond that raw list of names displayed at the top of this post, makes one wonder what D207 is hiding. At this point this Taxpayers wondering what those tens-of-thousands of Board sanctioned PR dollars really bought us.
More on this ongoing story in Blank Pictures On a Milk Carton - Part Two.
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