Thursday, September 27, 2018

D207's Taxing Motto - No Pain No Gain

"No Pain, No Gain" is an exercise motto.  The motto promises a greater reward for working longer and harder and enduring the increasingly painful workout.  "No Pain, No Gain", our future should this Referendum pass.

I was looking over my last Real Estate Tax Bill the other day.  I live in a $360,000 house in Niles and pay $8,000 per/yr. in taxes.  All told, I pay almost $6,000 in education taxes.  Growth rate on this category is around 3% year-to-year.  Started wondering what my education tax growth rate would look like going out to 2028.

Here's what I found.

My Estimated School Taxes On A $360,000 House In Niles Based on 3% Increase Per/Yr.
Year/ District
Remember the last time your homes went down in value?  Do you remember how Cook County automatically lowered your taxes?   Neither do I.  It's going to happen again.

Did you notice how D207 Administrators and Teachers voluntarily gave up their yearly pay raises for the children?  That didn't happen either, and if this Referendum passes, you can expect more of the same.

The Referendum is not about educating anyone, except us. 

The Referendum is about shifting $195,000,000 of the general budget (revenue-flow) to the Referendum (revenue-flow) leaving a large bucket of unallocated cash to spend as Administration/Board wishes. 

For D207 Taxpayers, if passed, this Referendum is going to be a very expensive education, indeed.

The Wallace/Owen proposal is about perpetrating the oldest political scam around: Create the problem - scare the public - sell the solution.

Create The Problem
Withhold $45mm From Maintenance
Scare The Public
Asbestos or Other Fears
Sell The Solution
$195,000,000 Referendum

Now, I'm certainly wouldn't call these guys shysters, however since D207 and its Board created this "No Pain, No Gain" problem, I suggest we give them three choices. 

They can:
  • exercise their very expensive minds and fix their self-created problem on their own    
  • join a 12-step program for profligate spending educators, and someday, come back to us for more money
  • simply find something useful to do somewhere else.
Just my opinion.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

It's All About The Money - What's In It For You?

In a prior post we discussed “What’s in it” for Dr. Wallace. We can assume “What’s in it” for Teachers and Students revolves more around added convenience and amenities as described in the Wight ‘Plan.” The important question for each of us as Taxpayers is “What’s in it” for us?

Why should we buy into this added tax burden?

Dr. Wallace and crew are spending a lot of our money on PR and using a great deal of their taxpayer-funded-time, to sell what should be obvious to all of us, assuming it was such a good deal - for taxpayers.

Before the Referendum process is done, taxpayers can expect the District to have spent close to half a million bucks on hawking a “Citizen Task Force” wish list, hiring a $150,000+ PR maven and on other Referendum related consulting contracts. Half mil that didn’t move D207 one inch closer toward a better educated student body. 

Because they squandered the opportunity that money offered, no new teachers were added. No new books or additional computers purchased. Nothing was added to increase the academic performance of the organization.

Make no mistake, this referendum will not and I repeat, will not, guarantee better academic performance. If Dr. Wallace thought he could sell the Referendum on that basis, he’d have stressed that benefit long ago. 

So why do it? 

Over the past few years, D207’s Board and Superintendent failed to spend $45 million dollars of withheld money on making our schools "safer", and on previously defined maintenance issues, including asbestos abatement. And now, instead of putting their noses to the metaphysical grindstone, D207 leaders are engaging in one of the oldest sales practices around. Create the problem, upset the public, sell the solution.

In the end, all the referendum will accomplish is shift the facility maintenance and upgrade burden from the general budgets (revenue stream) to the Referendums (revenue stream), leaving more money in the general budget for other things.

We already know what those other things include. 



Question is, what’s in it for you?

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Just Another Cookie Cutter Referendum

Taxpayers all over the country are chumps!  We have to be. 

All over the country, School Districts of all sizes are acknowledging the Trump economy.  District Officials see more money available and they want it!  Here are some examples.  Take the time to listen to them.  Different school systems, same elements




This One's Trying Again


And now for your consideration - Dr. Wallace & D207

That is all.

What Kind Of Idiot Do You Take Him For?

Lately, it's been really frustrating to read comments by some local citizens regarding Maine High School District 207's Superintendent, Ken Wallace.  I know, I know!  The fact that I'm opposing the November 6, 2018 Referendum should automatically, at least in their minds, make me a Wallace-hater.  Sorry to disappoint them.

What makes me frustrated the most about this situation, is that I've talked to the man by email, phone and in person.  This fellow is certainly not stupid or a fool and definitely not an idiot. 

I question however, his professional judgment regarding proposing this Referendum now, without additional supporting documentation, (read written plan) and his apparent need to see it pass before any critical review based on facts can be published.  I still see him as likeable guy and a force to be reckoned with.  He has an army of parents, teachers and students, religious in their belief, that only good can come out of taking other peoples money, as their own.

In terms of this Referendum, D207's supporters give the word 'bonding", whole new meaning.

Like I said earlier, I don't consider Dr. Wallace a fool.  He's obviously smarter than the Owen lead School Board or the one before it, since each repeatedly approved the continuation of their Superintendent's 2015-2020 contract and goals.  Put yourself in his shoes.  He's got a great gig with this lazy Board.  And like any red blooded American, he's just going for the gold!  Who among us can blame him, all things considered?

Just think of it; 2016 base salary, $202k; 2017, $209k; 2018$216k; 2019, $222k and 2020, $227k.

We haven't even talked about the "Merit Pay" schedule displayed in his "Goals."  Last season, Board approved a $50k bonus.  Ditto the year before.  When he passes the Referendum, Dr. Wallace is going to "earn" another $50k.

All, for doing what he should have been doing anyway!

Do these people have no shame?

You can't make this stuff up.  Don't believe me?  FOIA his 2015-2020 Contract and Goals.

As for the Referendum, Dr. Wallace has had this surprise in his pocket for years.  He knows what you're about to discover.  IASA "Illinois School Referenda Election Results" shows, since 2015, a School District floating a bond based Referendum has a 50% - 70% success rate.

No matter the Referendum outcome, he gets paid.  No wonder he's smiling these days.  He can't loose!

Yes indeed, he da man!

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Roll Up To The Magical Mystery Tour - Referendum

"Roll up!  Roll up for the magical mystery tour!  Step right this way!"

"The magical mystery tour is waiting to take you away
Waiting to take you away"

 "The magical mystery tour is hoping to take you away
Hoping to take you away"

On a: "Mystery trip"

"The magical mystery tour is coming to take you away
Coming to take you away"

"The magical mystery tour is dying to take you away
Dying to take you away, take you today"

"Roll up (And that's an invitation)" 
"Roll up (To make a reservation)"
"Roll up (We've got everything you need)"
"Roll up (Satisfaction guaranteed)"
In the 60's writers Lennon, Winston, McCartney and James were describing a place of fantasy, of extravagant and wondrous dreams.  They were asking us to follow them without thought or delay.  They were asking us to take a "Mystery trip" aboard their "yellow submarine."

Now, Captain Wallace and his crew are asking us come aboard their submarine to take their magical mystery trip. Full speed ahead! 

They're waiting, hoping, coming and dying to take you away and that's an invitation so make a reservation.  They'll have everything you need, satisfaction guaranteed!  The trip costs only $195,000,000 they say.  We think it's going to cost somewhere between $275,000,000 and $300,000,000 including interest.

A "Mystery Trip", indeed!

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Blank Pictures On a Milk Carton - Part Two

In Part One I displayed the list of 64 names D207 reported as members of their  "Citizens Task Force" (CTF) and asked who they were. I explained that 40+/- of those listed took building tours, "reviewed" various reports, including the 405 page $150,000 Wight Facility Master Plan before recommending that D207 Board place the $195,000,000 Referendum on the November ballot. 

In Part One, I reported that CTF members met four times and I shared D207's account that members were a mix of retirees, civic leaders, District graduates and various parents of graduates.
FOIA's don't always achieve desired results!
Having once been a “Citizen Task Force" member myself, as part of East Maine School District’s 63’s last Referendum, and having preciously received numerous D207 FOIA responses trouble free, I thought the simple question of "Citizens Task Force" membership demographics, a no-brainer!
Couldn't have been more wrong.  And from experience, when non-full-compliance does happen, I know I've hit a nerve or there's something they would rather not discuss or publically display.
Let's let the dialogue speak for itself.

 FOIA Requests: 20180807-002 through 20180807-007 dated: 08/08/2018. 

FOIA Request: 20180807-002
Please provide a copy of the list of those Citizen’s Task Force participants who are parents.

FOIA Request: 20180807-003

Please provide a copy of the list of those Citizen’s Task Force participants who are teachers or administrators.

FOIA Request: 20180807-004

Please provide a copy of the list of those Citizen’s Task Force participants who are non-administrative employees of D207.
FOIA Request: 20180807-005
Please provide a copy of the list of those Citizen’s Task Force participants who are non-parent citizens.

FOIA Request: 20180807-006

Please provide a copy of the list of those Citizen’s Task Force participants who represent community organizations.

FOIA Request: 20180807-007

Please provide a copy of the list of those Citizen’s Task Force participants who represent current or potential referendum related contractors.


Date & Sender


Tuesday, August 14, 2018 4:10 PM David Beery

Director of Communications / FOIA Officer

“Please find attached Maine Township High School District 207's response to your August 7 Illinois Freedom of Information Act requests 20180807, numbers 002 through 007. Please be advised that our scanner is not working at the moment so I am unable to provide you with a signed copy at this time.”

My Note: I received a list of 64 names, no other data.

Aug 14, 2018 5:44 PM, Kenneth Butterly

“Do you have a list of attendee's by meeting?”

Tuesday, August 14, 2018 5:49 PM David Beery

“I don't think we used sign-in sheets, but I will check.”

Mon, Aug 27, 2018 at 7:10 AM Kenneth Butterly

Today is 27 August. 13 Days to find a list of 40 concerned citizens? You either have a list or you do not.

I expect to get THE LIST with 40 names, today. Or a statement that no such list exists.”

Monday, August 27, 2018 9:30 AM David Beery

“I checked; we did not use sign-in sheets. We have no responsive documents.”

Aug 27, 2018 at 11:43 AM Kenneth Butterly

“So how does the public get to learn if 40 or 30 or 90 "Concerned Citizens" showed up or if no one showed up to the "Community Task Force" meeting at all? FOIA's will be forthcoming.”

Aug 27 at 1:09 PM David Beery

“I am attaching a roster of Citizens Task Force invitees, all of whom were notified before each of the four meetings. The original roster includes street and email addresses, which I have redacted as private information under the Illinois Freedom of Information Act. The residents who composed the Citizens Task Force consists of people on this list. Some people attended all four sessions; others attended one, two or three; some did not attend either. A reasonable estimate would be that 30 to 45 people attended three of the meetings; the number of attendees for one other session was lower than that.”

My Note: The attachment was the same raw list of 64 names, no other data.

Aug 27 at 2:13 PM Kenneth Butterly

“I understand the redaction process. Your dataset should have the city these citizens live in. Don't care about their home address or emails.”

On September 1, 2018 I sent an email describing the afore mentioned FOIA situation to Superintendent Wallace and on September 2, 2018 I sent each member of the Board an email with the attached FOIA request, the responses and my email letter to Dr. Wallace. 
To date, I have not received one word in response on this subject from any of them. 

In my letter to Ken Wallace, I asked:
"What is this concerned citizen to think? Should I be upset? Should I feel insulted? Or should I just feel disappointed. This incident is not a simple misunderstanding and we consider District’s refusal to provide this Taxpayer funded information is a serious breach of trust."
A couple more things.  “Citizen Task Force" meeting are dog-and-pony shows.  People asked to attend are picked based on their predisposition toward the issue at hand.  In this case, the long planned Referendum.   It's the equivalent of a packed court
Monday, August 27, 2018 9:30 AM David Beery
“I checked; we did not use sign-in sheets. We have no responsive documents.”

Finally, many of you, and some of my readers are former and current Board Members, have attended School Board Meetings and Park Board Meetings and City Council Meetings and/or other public meetings.  What's the first thing they do, after the Pledge of Allegiance?  They pass around the sign-in sheet or tell you to sign in at the table. 

A sign-in sheet! 

Sorry Mr. BerrySorry Dr. Wallace. Sorry CarlaThis dog don't hunt!

Notice: Seeking pictures for the milk cartons.  Can any of you help?

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Blank Pictures On a Milk Carton - Part One

Who the heck are these people?

Who are these 64 alleged "Citizen’s Task Force" stakeholdersUnfortunately, it's another long story told over two parts.
List of "possible" Citizen’s Task Force committee members received under FOIA Request: 20180807-002 through FOIA Request: 20180807-007.

Lisa Ahmed
Andrea Bateman
Vicky Benziger
Pearlie Best
Yvette Borrego
Bree Jordan Burkett
Ron Burton
Manuel R. Bustos, Jr.
Pam Carmona
Lou Centrella
Kathleen Christopher
Erin Doerr
Stephanie Duckman
Carla Flores
Kelly Foersterling
Dean Giavaras
Walter Gluzkin
Mandy Griffin
Barb Grooms
Marianne Gudmundsson
Maureen Hartwig
Iris Hernandez
Amy Hoffman
John Jekot
Marty Joyce
Jerry Kallio
Namon Kent
Larry Kolar
Dean Krone
David Lawrence
Paul Leongas
Wendy Locascio
Mary Maestranzi
Jean Marella
Amy Markos
Kristy Mattson
Ryan McKenzie
Loula Merkel
Lara Miller
Elena Miteva
John Moran
Beth Morley
Midge Mountin
Denise Parcell
Eleni Patel
Dean Patras
Frank Ponticelli
Jamie Purcell
Sriram Ramakrishnan
Emma Rentas
Dan Schacke
Pat Schreiber
Amy Seely
Tim Spiegel
Jeffrey S. Spero
Sean Story
Jan Vander Carr
Joe Weber
Stacey Wesselkamper
Kent Wehman
Scott Williams
Kate Zarish
Krystal Zec
Sue Zimmerman

We are told by D207 leaders that 40+/- of the people displayed on the list above are the very folks who stood shoulder-to-shoulder with Dr. Wallace and recommended to our wise and dependable elected officials that they should " a $195,000,000 bond issue for the November 6, 2018 election."

These intrepid few met four (4) times, according to the Districts website. We are told they took building tours.  We suspect the tours alone took a lot of their limited time. 

The website also tells us that committee members reviewed the recently created $150,000 Wight Facilities Master Plan or FMP. 

The Wight FMP is a 405 page tome!  

I can tell you without fear of contradiction, there's no way in hell the committee of 40 laymen and women, meeting within a highly structured and limited timeframe,  over no more than only four nights at different school locations, are going to intelligently walk through that 405 page detail study, let alone, understand the complexity and implications of the tasks being presented . 

This ad hoc, ragtag group of amateurs, lacked the facilities management skill set and experience, to properly synthesize the data. 

Even though we knew what we were looking at,  and even though we had a good idea how to analyze that monster, it took all of 40+ hours unpack and parse it for analysis.   
District leaders, including current Board President, Carla Owen and her subordinate, Superintendent Dr. Wallace, surely have quite a sense of humor to so blatantly foist that absurd story on the voters.
Unfortunately for them, we're not laughing!
At the same meetings, we are told some of those 40+/- reviewed "survey results from students, staff and community members."  Of course they did.  I for one believe they all completely understood everythingNot!
The website went on further to declare, they "were asked to make a recommendation to Superintendent Dr. Kenneth Wallace about whether or not to pursue a referendum and if so, the composition of the final measure. "  

What question were these souls asked to vote on?  How was the question structured.  Of course, we have no idea who voted or how the vote went.  Did anyone vote "NO"? 

As far as the "composition" of the Referendum, how did these scapegoats, unfamiliar with all the details and background, compose anything?  These guys were duped into believing their inclusion into the process, was going to be meaningful and make a difference.  The decision to go for the gold was made years before. 

The "Citizens Task Force" concept is a ruse!  It's meant to give the public a feeling of inclusion.  Nothing more.  Nothing less.  The same methodology has been in use by other School Districts in Illinois since the early 2000's.  I know, I was a member of one prior to EMSD63 last referendum.  Glance around the web.

We are told next "This team included more than 40 residents from Des Plaines, Park Ridge, Niles, Glenview and Morton Grove."  District 207's website never mentions the Unincorporated Cook County Taxpayers living north of Dempster.  I guess they weren't invited to join this august group.  I wonder why? 

Finally, we are told that those listed among the chosen. "included retirees, civic leaders and District graduates, in addition to current parents and parents of graduates". 

I know a couple local politicians included on the list.  There are also a couple D207 teachers. That teacher category not being mentioned as part of the chosen, clearly was just a type-o. 

So do you have questions?  I know we certainly have questions. 

  • How were the 64 members found?
  • Did they volunteer?
  • Were they asked by District’s officials to join?
  • Were they Shanghaied?
  • What are their backgrounds? 
  • Wheat towns to they live in? 
  • How well do these 64 people represent the broad spectrum of D207 Taxpayers?
  • Are they parents?
  • Who of these are teachers or administrators or non-administrative employees of D207?
  • Who are non-parent citizens?
  • Who of these represent community organizations or potential referendum related contractors?
  • How well do these 64 people represent the broad spectrum of D207 Taxpayers?
  • Who of them represented your interests and/or your point of view?

For the last month or so, we've been trying to get answers under FOIA rules to some of these questions.   To date, we've been stonewalled by D207 leaders

Of all the questions we've posed to D207 under FOIA, the repeatedly unanswered questions of the Citizen Task Force membership and meeting attendance data, beyond that raw list of names displayed at the top of this post, makes one wonder what D207 is hiding.  At this point this Taxpayers wondering what those tens-of-thousands of Board sanctioned PR dollars really bought us. 

 More on this ongoing story in Blank Pictures On a Milk Carton - Part Two.