Thursday, September 6, 2018

Defining The Referendum - Part Three

D207 Budgets.

In part One, we defined what a Referendum is, what it will cost us and how long we'll have to pay.  In part Two, we looked at D207's regional demographics. 
In the next series of posts, my intention is to gently get you into the Budget process mindset, display D207's current budget totals, display D207 budget history and reveal prejudices observed within D207's Budget process over time. 
November's Referendum hinges on D207's ability to  accurately predict and control its future, as well as how well it can persuade us on the need for paying $194,000,000 (or up to $300,000,000 after interest) in additional taxes. 
Think of the Referendum process as a game of chess.  The chessboard is the budget and pieces are D207 Administrators, Board, Parents, Students, Contractors, Long-Term Bond Sellers and Taxpayers, etc.  

The mechanics of maneuvering the pieces around the board revolve around the presentation of numbers. 
D207 will continue to throw out their numbers in the hope of persuading enough of you.  So will I!  Difference is, their numbers are made up projections that represent their assumptions, expectations, hopes and fantasy.  Mine represent their history.
As to the numbers I'll be using.  I derived mine from D207 official reports received under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Law.  So, if the information is inaccurate, don't blame me, they delivered them to me as honest and accurate.
That's enough for now.  Defining The Referendum - Part Three - Budgets Part - (2) will be posted soon.


  1. I'm very interested in understanding the impact of the referendum from a source outside of Dist 207 marketing efforts.

  2. Can you be more specific? With what you know so far, how do you think the referendum will impact you personally?
