- wants us to go further into debt; this time for an additional $300,000,000 (estimated after fees and interest) or $90 per $100,000 per year for continued poor academic performance
- operating revenue for 2017-2018 was $191,268,091 and now they say their 2018-2019 operating revenue will be $134,290,266 based on a accounting trick
- has been planning this Referendum for years
- has withheld (without Taxpayer knowledge), up to $45,000,000 in prior taxed "reserves"
- information as presented on their website is very inaccurate and misleading
- will have spent close to $500,000 on PR contracts, including, its already hiring of their second PR maven for an additional $150,000+ per year
- has paid Dr. Wallace a base pay since 2016, $202k; 2017, $209k; 2018, $216k and will further pay 2019, $222k and 2020, $227k respectively
- is slated to pay Dr. Wallace his third consecutive bonus of $50,000
- average cost per student (2015-2017) was $27,600 based on total revenue
- will transfer payments for normal maintenance, purchases and replacement activities from the "General Budget" to the "Referendum Budget", allowing them to utilize tens of millions of dollars in yearly real estate taxes for other unspecified activities (pay raises?).
"Shall the Board of Education of Maine Township High School District Number 207, Cook County, Illinois, improve the sites of, build and equip additions to and alter, repair and equip existing buildings, including, without limitation, constructing security improvements, increasing accessibility to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act, replacing electrical, plumbing and mechanical systems, renovating classrooms and labs, improving the Library Media Center and renovating special education spaces, and issue bonds of said School District to the amount of $195,000,000 for the purpose of paying the costs thereof?"
including, without limitation
Our attorney's interpret those words to mean:
D207 can spend the money any way they want!
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